The PNP is working with Department of Transport and Winjan Aboriginal Corporation to undertake monitoring of vulnerable coastal areas using drones. This project aims to generate high-resolution imagery and digital elevation data of seasonal changes in the Cape Peron to Cape Naturaliste region.
The program will enhance the current coastal monitoring program by addressing a data gap and adopting modern technologies and building the capacity of traditional owners and local coastal decision-makers. This high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data that will be captured at regular intervals into the future, will provide valuable information for coastal decision-makers to identify sediment volume change and shoreline response to extreme events and sea level change. This information will be fundamental to making more informed coastal planning and management decisions.
Officers and rangers are currently undertaking training and are expected to commence surveying in 2024. Further information will be provided when data is collected.
The PNP would like to acknowledge the Western Australian Department of Transport that partly funded this work.