The Busselton Coastal Adaptation Community Awareness Plan project engaged with the local community in a discussion to raise awareness of coastal climate change. The key reason for undertaking this pilot project was to build resilience in the City of Busselton community so that they are better prepared to identify and respond to the impacts and risks associated with climate change in the coastal zone.The Plan also acted as a pilot for the other PNP member Councils to better communicate the findings of the Developing Flexible Adaptation Options for the Peron Naturaliste Region of Western Australia project.



The development of the Plan included a review of local community and stakeholder concerns and values that addressed environmental, social, cultural and economic aspects. The Plan aimed to support relevant Local and State Government policies, strategies and plans and to assist  the City of Busselton and State Government to make more well-informed decisions.


The PNP would like to acknowledge the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that partly funded this project.

The project report can be found here.